Sunday, February 14, 2010

Here we go...

I never thought I would see the day where I would have my own blog, but I have decided to use it as a baby book of sorts. Kyle, who is now 5, has a baby book that goes up to about 6 months. Jax, pffft....I didn't even bother buying one. Why would I, seeing how well I did with Kyle's?

You are welcome to follow me and my family through good times and bad. I will try to keep pictures uploaded here as frequently as possible. I am terrible about ordering hard copies of pictures and sending them out, so there is another plus to this blogging thing.

I can't promise that I will post incredibly often. I will try to do it at least once a week--definitely more in the summer. I know I have a lot to learn about formatting and such, but I will try to make it worth your while if you stick with me.

Anyway, here we go.....

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